
R. Darrell Bock

We are sad to relay news of the death of R. Darrell Bock. Darrell was a titan in the field – his work defined the shape and trajectory of modern psychometrics. We each had the pleasure of meeting Darrell at various points in our careers and he was as impressive in person as he was in his published work. All three of us – indeed this entire company – have been shaped by Darrell’s many contributions. We echo the closing … Read More

Dr. Michael C. Edwards joins the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University

In January 2017, VPG’s Dr. Edwards joined the faculty of the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University. Dr. Edwards is an Associate Professor in the Quantitative Area. Prior to joining the faculty at ASU, Dr. Edwards was an Assistant (2006-2011) and Associate (2011-2016) Professor in the Quantitative Area of the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State University.