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Announcing the Release of IRTPRO™ 6.0

VPG is pleased to announce the immediate availability of IRTPRO™ Version 6.0 which includes improved scaling functionality to support UHD display resolution, tabbed child windows and an output panel to display additional information and for Academic license holders the ability to open a .flexMIRT syntax file directly within IRTPRO™. You can learn more about the new features of IRTPRO™ 6.0 in this video and on this support page. Users holding active IRTPRO™ subscription licenses are encouraged to upgrade, by logging … Read More

Vector Psychometric Group has acquired Scientific Software International, Inc.

Vector Software Acquisition, a sole subsidiary of Vector Psychometric Group, acquired Scientific Software International, Inc. expanding Vector’s statistical software offerings. Vector Psychometric Group (VPG), a leading provider of psychometric and data analytic solutions for clinical outcomes, educational, and psychological assessment, has acquired Scientific Software International, Inc. (SSI), a market-leader in statistical software for social, behavioral, and biostatistical sciences. SSI has been developing, publishing, and distributing specialized statistical software products since 1971. SSI has been a driving force behind many widely … Read More

VPG Awarded FDA Grant to Develop Clinical Outcome Assessments for Migraine

As part of our Patient Focused Drug Development (PFDD) efforts, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) developed a pilot grant program to support the development of publicly available core set(s) of Clinical Outcome Assessments (COAs) and their related endpoints for specific disease indications (RFA-FD-19-006). On September 11, 2019 the FDA made three awards under this grant program. These awards will provide avenues to advance the use of patient input as an important part of drug development that can foster innovation and … Read More