Support V3.72

Vector Psychometric Group, LLC has compiled examples and supporting documentation, including a Quickstart Guide and User’s Manual. If you have a question not answered in the supporting materials please  email or submit a request via our support portal. When emailing for support, please include your active flexMIRTTM license number in your email.

Syntax Examples Version 3.72

  • All Examples
  • 3-1 Classical Test Theory- Dichotomous Data
  • 3-2 2PL Calibration
  • 3-3 Single Group 3PL Calibration
  • 3-4 3PL EAP Scoring
  • 3-5 3PL ML Scoring
  • 3-6 CTT Syntax – Polytomous Data
  • 3-7 Graded Model Combined Calibration and Scoring Syntax with Recoding
  • 3-8 1PL Calibration and Scoring with Response Pattern Data
  • 3-9 Nominal Model Calibration
  • 3-10 Nominal Model Calibration 2
  • 3-11 Generalized Partial Credit Model
  • 3-12 Rating Scale Model with Trend Contrasts
  • 3-13 Rating Scale Model with Triangle Contrasts
  • 4-1 2-Group 3PL Using Normal Priors with EAP Scoring
  • 4-2 2-Group 3PL with Empirical Histogram
  • 4-3 2-Group 3PL MAP Scoring from Parameter Estimates
  • 4-4 2-Group 3PL Summed Score to EAP Conversion Table
  • 4-5 DIF: Test All Items
  • 4-6 DIF: Test Candidate Items
  • 4-7 Multiple Group Multilevel Model
  • 5-1 EFA with Oblique CF-Quartimax Rotation
  • 5-2 EFA with Target Rotation
  • 5-3 Confirmatory MIRT Model with Correlated Factors – Graded
  • 5-4 Bifactor Structure – Nominal Model
  • 5-5 Bifactor Structure – 2PL
  • 5-6 Testlet Model – 2PL
  • 6-1 MH-RM: Confirmatory MIRT Model
  • 6-2 MH-RM: EFA
  • 6-3 MH-RM: Multilevel MIRT Model
  • 6-4 MH-RM: Multilevel Bifactor
  • 6-5 MH-RM: Fixed Effects Calibration
  • 6-6 MH-RM: Crossed Random Effects
  • 6-7 MCMC: Multilevel Bifactor
  • 6-8 MCMC: Multilevel Level Model with Covariates
  • 7-1 Simulation – Graded Model Syntax Only
  • 7-2 Simulation – Graded Model Using PRM File
  • 7-3 Simulation – 3PL Model Normal Population
  • 7-4 Simulation – Empirical Histogram Prior
  • 7-5 Simulation – Bifactor Structure From Existing Parameter File
  • 7-6 Simulation – DIF and Group Mean Differences
  • 7-7 Simulation- Multilevel, Multiple Group Model with Bifactor Structure and Covariates
  • 8-1 C-RUM Model Fit To Simulated Data
  • 8-2 DINA Fit to Simulated Data
  • 8-3 DINO Fit to Simulated Data
  • 8-4 Testlet Structure with DINA model
  • 8-5 Rupp, Templin, & Henson – Example 9.2
  • 8-6 Rupp, Templin, & Henson – Example 9.2 without D group
  • 8-7 de la Torre Subtraction Syntax